PPM Service Contracts Aims To Prevent The Breakdown Or Failure Before It Occurs

ADC provide installation, maintenance, and service for Automatic Doors, Industrial Doors, Gates, and Barriers.

Maximize the lifespan of your doors while minimizing any potential issues with our service packages. Our team of skilled engineers guarantees optimal safety and improved operational efficiencies for your doors, effectively reducing the chances of a breakdown. 

FREE No Obligation Quotation

What is a ppm service contract
  • PPM – Preventative Planned Maintenance
  • Reduce risk of faults / breakdowns before they occur.
  • Reduce the occurrence of major unplanned work.
  • Increase the life span of the asset with regular checks.
  • Benefit from reduced call out rates for emergencies.
  • Access to highly qualified engineers throughout our areas.
Planned Maintenance

Planned Maintenance

A comprehensive service aims to reduce breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your doors. 

Remedial Work

Remedial Maintenance

Our engineers carry out a thorough diagnosis and make the correct recommendations.

Maintenance Services

Maintenance Services

Assurances that your doors are working to the optimum safety level to enhance daily operations.

Automatic door servicing contracts

Maintenance Packages

You will always be prioritised over non-contract customers and you will be given reduced rates.

Automatic door servicing contracts

Detailed Quotations

We send out a fully detailed quote within 48 hours of diagnosis with our ‘Traffic Light’ system.

Service and manual or automatic door

Service Any Door

Our engineers are trained to service doors from all makes and manufacturers.

Keeping your business secure

ADC are available to help 24/7, 365 days a year. We offer industry leading response times, to maximise the up-time of your assets and to help to reduce disruption. We have an amazing record of meeting client’s call outs.

We are quick to react and provide you with effective communication, so the process runs smoothly, even out of hours. Our entrance engineers are strategically positioned across the North of England.

ADC have been servicing our gates, shutters and automatic doors for the last two years. They always communicate well, particularly their engineers who stand out, really knowledgeable and always polite. They react quickly when we’ve needed them and explain everything so we know exactly whats going on ”

Matt Price – FES Group

automatic swing doors

Automatic Doors

Installation of new automatic doors systems, or our engineers can add automation to your existing entrances.

manual aluminium swing doors
Aluminium Entrances

We can manufacture entrance solutions in a large range of colours to match in with your existing building.

industrial roller shutter doors
Industrial Doors

We install and service a range of  industrial High Speed Shutters, Roller Shutters, Sectional & Steel Doors.